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(2 edits)

I have sideloaded it to my Play Date. The pre selected font is unreadable on first start. However, I was able to change it in the settings. All other font options work fine.

oh ha! I forgot that was the default font!. that is a font that my partner design. its readable... if you know how to read it 😅

Yeah, I noticed that. They look like glyphs, but somehow I knew what the words meant :D

Its basically just letters written left handed and also backwards ;) I updated the default font to be medieval in the latest version!

Can't wait to try this!  My dream is to hook up a nice mechanical keep to this thing.  I saw a project on GitHub(?) where they made a special doc to handle the usb c stuff etc....lots of stages :)   I know there is "non-user" accessible bluetooth on the PD so maybe that could work with this?  Anyway, good work!  looking forward to trying it out.

I am also very interested in the prospect of using the usbc port for connecting peripherals. Thanks for downloading and hope you enjoy. Please let me know if you have any issues.